A Guide to Cross-selling Your Freelance Services

September 17, 2012

Ever bought equipment from an office supply or tech store? Chances are that a salesperson has tried to cross-sell or "attach" additional products or services to the sale.

Here's a scenario: You’re being sold a particular brand of equipment; let’s say a printer. When you’ve selected your printer of choice, the salesperson probably recommended you pick up some extra ink, paper, or maybe a replacement guarantee/warranty plan.You can use that same method of cross-selling for your freelance business to benefit both you and your client: You’re increasing profit while enhancing the value of your services.Keep reading for some examples on how you can apply this technique of cross-selling to your business.

Attaching & selling your services

Attaching services isn’t that difficult. You just need to be familiar with your own services, and know how to sell the benefits to your clients.The key is to help the client understand the attached service you’re recommending. They might not have considered you for those services; so bringing it up could land you additional work.Also, offering more than the client anticipated will show how dependable you are as a professional – resulting in them coming back for more business!Here are some scenario examples of how you could attach services:

Scenario: If you’re a graphic designer offering print designs, a possible cross-selling opportunity would be to offer printing with your designs. Find a (online) printer that has an affiliate program where you can make a little extra by using them for your print jobs.Benefit: The client doesn’t have to worry about finding a printer and having your designs printed.
Scenario: If you’re a web designer redesigning a client website, offer some rebranded designs for their social media accounts as well.Benefit: It’ll help their customers feel familiar with their brand, because it’s branded the same throughout their online presence.
Scenario: If you’re designing a company logo, offer your design services to create company letterheads, new website header, business cards, etc. Then you can go even further by offering the printing services!Benefit: The client won’t have to worry about creating these resources in-house or again, find a printer.

Why Cross-selling is important

Every business wants and needs to be profitable. That’s a fact – and freelancing is definitely one of those businesses that many struggle with when trying to make more money.If you try to push sales in your business like many do, then you’ll for sure be able to squeeze in a few extra dollars.Cross-selling isn’t a scam. You’re providing real services that are benefiting the client as well as boosting income.


I want every single person reading my posts to be successful in what they do. That’s why I started blogging in the first place.If you have some additional cross-selling ideas, or are maybe wondering how you specifically can attach services – leave a comment and you’ll be guaranteed some feedback!

See my latest work and more on Instagram @BrentGalloway