Wow it's been a while since I've written here on my personal blog. Much has happened in the past few months; I launched my new business blog and ebook guide on freelancing, landed the largest client of my freelance career along side some other great projects, and bought a house! As you could imagine I've been quite busy. With all of the big updates and changes in my life, I felt inclined to document and share this new chapter in my life.
I bought a house!
The first big update I'd like to share with you is that my fiancé and I bought and moved into our first home! Not only is this huge for me personally, but for my freelance business as well. I now have a proper office that's separate from my bedroom, with great lighting and storage.
What I'm really excited for is having the extra space to shoot proper videos with ease. I'm going to shoot a vlog here in the next week or so, mainly to test out how shooting video will work in my new office. (You can watch said vlog here!) I enjoy creating video content and I have some great ideas, so if it's received well enough it will only fuel my desire to produce more videos on a regular basis.
Did you know you could subscribe to me on YouTube?
The growth of my freelance business
Staying inline with my freelance business plan, I continue to work with clients daily, but also dedicate a good portion of my time on developing my own side projects/products.
In February I had a completely random and vague email hit my inbox;
Give me a call when you have time at [Phone number]...
Not entirely sure how to handle this and not feeling very optimistic about the opportunity, I replied back requesting a bit more detail via email. One thing led to another and turns out this vague email is now my closest and largest client to date! Taking on this sort of large client with consistent work has helped lessen the financial stress I've been dealing with for the past couple of years. Goes to show that even if a contact or lead doesn't seem promising, follow-through until you know the full details.
Aside from client work I recently launched my new guide and resource bundle(s) titled, Start Your Freelance Career. I haven't developed and marketed a product this large since my Stay True Project. The experience and knowledge gained from this project has been amazing. It's definitely helped better prepare myself for my next big launch. It's also been awesome connecting with so many different people. Some of which I chat with nearly every week.
The last big update for my freelance business is the growth of my new freelance business blog, Your Freelance Career. Since launching early this year, the email list and page views continue to grow at a steady rate.
I publish a new article about running a freelance business every Monday. I love it, but with anything you do constantly, you start to get burnt out. That's how I've felt a bit recently but that's about to change. I'm going to dedicate more time to creating quality posts ahead of time so I don't get stressed writing them the day before posting. I'm also going to reach out to potential contributors for help writing new content. This will expand the community, add some fresh voices with unique insights and experiences, and will give me the extra time to get back to my more creative design work.
Short-term goals for this quarter
I have lots of new projects and current side project tweaks that I'd like to make progress on now that I'm moved into my new house. To list out a few of these goals:
- Publish a couple new project case studies here.
- Continue to grow the YFC blog and work with a couple of bi-weekly or monthly guest writers.
- Create new video content on a semi-consistant schedule. (Subscribe and never miss a video!)
- Develop new products and design ideas. (Stay tuned!)
- Redesign my current shop page with new ecommerce (cart) functionality.
Hopefully this post wasn't too scattered. I didn't really plan it out – just created a new post and started typing. If you've read this far then thank you! I hope at the very least you found some part of what I had to share interesting.
Again, I'm an open book, so if you have any questions whatsoever just leave a comment below.
Cheers! :)